These are a bunch of essays or whatever that I have written in the past few years of which I am particularly proud. These are in alphabetical order.

Apollo's Daughters - A short story written as an assignment for Classical Mythology (spring '01). The assignment was to write an original myth.

Birmingham - A paper written as an extra credit assignment for World Geography (spring '00). The assignment was to write a background on our hometown.

Communication across Cultures - A paper written for Communication Theory (fall '00).

Mad Cow - Actually, this was a speech that I did for Public Relations Case Problems (spring '00). I wrote the speech out in paragraph form first so that I would have something to refer to when I made notes. This is simply background info on Mad Cow Disease, the entire project was a group project where my group had to discover what PR problems existed in connection with the disease. Sorry, I didn't write that part out.

Norm Violation - A paper written after I did a norm violation for Small Group Communication (summer '00). This paper was very structured, so I felt like I had to repeat myself alot in this paper. I had alot of fun doing this norm violation... anyway, just read the paper.

Test Essays (Art History) - A collection of test essays written in Art History I (fall '00) and II (spring '00).